The National Wildlife Refuge Association (NWRA) also requests your support at Scoping Meetings and during the Comment Period. Nancy, Josette, Pauline Stacy, and John had a conference call with NWRA. They are asking all to take some serious action to overcome some of the negative inputs received thus far.
Two Scoping meetings remain:
Feb 9 in Okeechoobee, 6 - 9 PM
Feb 10 in Vero Beach, 6- 9PM
There is a perception problem because people who showed up at the two previous scoping meetings were about 3:1 against; written comments are coming in at about the same ratio.
Comment period runs through Feb 28, 2011. Please make written comments, even if you can not show up for the scoping meetings. E-MAIL:
Additional information, meeting locations, and contact numbers can be found at
A positive news report can be found at
The Proposed Everglades Headwaters NWR needs your support. Feel free to forward this to an interested party.
Thanks for weighing in on this important increase in spatial extent of natural area, the first stated goal/objective of CERP.
John Arthur Marshall